Setting My List Aside to Talk about Lines, Wrinkles and Wisdom

           I was working my way down a long list when my neighbor came over - again.   
  Walked right into my house she did.   No time for doorbells.or asking if I had a minute. 
          "We must talk,"  she says and then  proceeds to whine  and complain about her lines,             wrinkles and sagging skin.   

          I think about moving.   
           She stands at the mirror in my living room, tears spurting.  

                                        Displaying photo.JPG

            "I used to have such young pretty skin."   I roll my Christian eyes.

            Oooooh boy.  Maybe lets forget about saggy skin and talk about hormone imbalance.

       But I don't say that because I am kind and patient.  I am a good Christian neighbor. 

             ....get to the cleaners before it closes

             ....pick up eggs and half and half at the grocery store

             ....finish the downstairs bathroom

       I catch myself.  

             Forget the listLisa.  Eyes off yourself.

            She stares into my mirror.   She tells me of her trip to Costco.  She spent 
      $175.00 on face cream.  "It promised to make the lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin 
      disappear."  She leans into the mirror and rests her forehead on the glass.    

           Hey, hey hey, don't put your forehead on my mirror!

           "The cream didn't work.  Now, I don't know what to do."  

            Uh, how about go home?

            I got lots more to say, but I am kind and patient so I don't say any of it.
      I add another item to my list.  ...clean unsightly smudge off living room mirror.

            She puts her palms on her cheeks and gently lifts them.  "If I could just get them to sit 
      back up here.  You know?  If I could train them some how... "

             We're talking about cheeks, honey, not dogs

             But I don't say that either.  She goes on, working her fingers over her face.  "If  I could 
      smooth out all these lines around my mouth...."  She grabs her jowls and pulls them up 
      to her ears.   "Don't you think this looks so much better?" 

             I can't answer her.  I'm unnerved.   Once she moved the jowls to her ears, the
      eyes decided to go too.  Now I'm just talking to a flat nose on a tightly stretched 

            Ain't no one gonna find that attractive,  friend.

            I'm starting to get to that place.  The "oh come on...... did you just walk into my house and 
      say that?", place.  The  "I'm 'bout to forget I am a Christian woman.",  sort of place.  

            But I am still thoughtful and kind.  I gently tell her, "If you give away the lines around your
      mouth then you're going to have to give up every ounce of wisdom that came with them."

            She looks at me like I'm nuts.

            I remember my list.  

            I'm pretty much only Christian on the outside now.  

            Not sure why, but I continue,  "The wrinkles around your eyes, the creases in your 
      forehead....all have come with experience, knowledge...and wisdom.  They have blessed
      you with something to give back to the sew into your children and grandchildren."

            She leaves.  I lock my door and go on with my day.  Its not like I don't have those same
      concerns.  I remember the day I bent over and caught the image of my upside-down face in 
      the mirror.  Man, I stood up so fast.  Breathing heavy.  Scared me to death.  My eyes just 
      sort of slid to my hairline and my neck rolled right down over my chin.  I vowed to think twice
      before I ever bent over again.  I am grateful for my wisdom and all  -  the opportunity to 'give
      back' and 'sew in'  -  but it is somehow difficult to remember all those great blessings when
      your eyes slide to your hairline and your neck rolls down over your chin.


DC Perry said...

Thanks Lisa. I'm laughing out loud! - the best laugh I've had all day & suddenly the day is looking better.

Shelly Donohoo said...

You are hilarious!!

Sharon Duvall said...

Love it Lisa! Thanks for the laugh!

Anna Douglas said...

Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura Hayden said... gave me a good laugh this morning!!! Keep writing! I love reading your thoughts!

Carol Felt Donohoo said...

I love you girl!!!!...Where did yesterday go anyhow????