
Welcome to my blog! My name is Lisa and I am glad that you stopped by. I hope that 

you will find something here that eases your life a bit, makes you laugh or causes you to 

consider something in a different light than you had before.

I live in Southern California with my husband, Mark and the youngest of our five children. The

other four have left the nest and are off building their own lives.

I am a speaker, a humorist and a storyteller who loves to get out and interact with all

different kinds of people.  I hold a degree in Interpersonal Communications

and have spent much of my life studying and speaking on our interpersonal relationships along 

with many other topics. If you would like to have me speak at your event, please visit my

speaking page. I also have references available upon request.

1 comment:

D C Perry said...

So happy you have finally started a blog! Having heard you speak....... I have laughed and cried with you and look forward through your Blog to having my life enriched often by your insights and humor;.